Cistus x 'Grayswood Pink'


Photo of Cistus x 'Grayswood Pink' - Rockrose

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Common Name: 


Plant Type: 

Flower color: 

Foliage color: 


Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

Maximum temperature: 


Minimum temperature: 


Maximum height: 

60 cm

Maximum width: 

245 cm

Rockrose (Cistus x 'Grayswood Pink') - Description

Cistus is endemic to the dry and rocky soils of Northern Africa, Turkey, the Canary Islands, and Southern Europe. Species are cultivated for their colorful 5-petaled, saucer-shaped flowers. However, the flowers appear for only a short time.

Rockrose (Cistus x 'Grayswood Pink') - Blooming

Blooms from spring into early summer with white to dark pink flowers. To encourage bushiness, pinch back young plants after flowering has occured.

Rockrose (Cistus x 'Grayswood Pink') - Growth

Evergreen shrubs. Rockroses do best with full sun. Make sure to grow in a sheltered area. They can survive in temperatures as low as 15°F/-9°C. Rockroses thrive in climates that have hot, dry summers. They are generally tolerant of aridity, cold ocean breezes, salt sprays and desert heat. Rockroses are short-lived plants that can be grown in a shrub border, in containers, or even on sunny banks, at the base of a wall, or around paved areas.

Rockrose (Cistus x 'Grayswood Pink') - Planting

As soon as ripe, or in spring, sow seeds in a cold frame in containers. Can also propagate by rooting softwood or greenwood cuttings in summer. Plant only after the danger of frost has passed.

Rockrose (Cistus x 'Grayswood Pink') - Pest


Rockrose (Cistus x 'Grayswood Pink') - Interesting facts

Cistus can sometimes be found with truffles, as the fungus will help it grow in poor quality soil. The association does not seem to be strong enough to work on a commercial scale, though.

Rockrose (Cistus x 'Grayswood Pink') - Soil and irrigation

Does best in poor to moderately fertile, well-draining soil. Will tolerate alkaline soils, but can become chlorotic. Requires little to no water.

Cistus x 'Grayswood Pink' - Rockrose - Photos