Daphne bholua

Paper Daphne

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Common Name: 

Paper Daphne

Plant Type: 

Flower color: 

Foliage color: 


Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

Maximum temperature: 


Minimum temperature: 


Maximum height: 

365 cm

Maximum width: 

150 cm

Paper Daphne (Daphne bholua) - Description

D. bholua is native to the Himalayas. It bears clusters of fragrant white flowers with a pinkish purplish blue, which appear in late winter with small blackish purple fruit.

Paper Daphne (Daphne bholua) - Blooming

Small white to pink flowers in late winter to early spring with intensely sweet fragrance. Followed by white, pink, orange, red, or purple-black fruits. Fruits can be fleshy or dry. Most species produce fleshy fruit. An example of a species of Daphne with dry fruit is D. genkwa, native to China. The ovoid fruits are grayish white in color.

Paper Daphne (Daphne bholua) - Growth

Small, woody shrubs with deciduous or evergreen, simple, alternate leaves. The brightly colored, succulent fruits are very poisonous, even lethal, if eaten. Full sun or partial shade. Make sure to mulch regularly to keep roots cool.Grow Daphne in a rock garden or shrub border. Also makes a nice addition to a woodland.

Paper Daphne (Daphne bholua) - Planting

Seeds need cold treatment. Also propagatable by layering in spring or taking soft to semi-hard cuttings. Layering is a propagation method where a stem is pegged to the soil while still attached to the parent plant. This process induces rooting.

Paper Daphne (Daphne bholua) - Pest

Aphids and scale insects. Other problems include wilt, crown and root rot, twig blight, fasciation, tobacco ringspot virus, and Southern blight.

Paper Daphne (Daphne bholua) - Interesting facts

All parts of Daphne are very toxic. The sap may also aggravate the skin upon contact. Mature species of Daphne are known to die suddenly. Reasons for this are unclear.

Paper Daphne (Daphne bholua) - Soil and irrigation

Fertile, well-amended soil that stays cool and moist at roots. Most species do best in slightly alkaline to slightly acidic soil.

Daphne bholua - Paper Daphne - Photos