Mandevilla x 'Rio Deep Red'


Photo of Mandevilla x 'Rio Deep Red' - Mandevilla

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Common Name: 


Plant Type: 

Flower color: 

Foliage color: 


Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

Maximum temperature: 


Minimum temperature: 


Maximum height: 

60 cm

Maximum width: 

35 cm

Mandevilla (Mandevilla x 'Rio Deep Red') - Description

Mandevilla Riotrade; Deep Red is a compact plant with gorgeous 3" trumpet shaped flowers. Mandevilla Riotrade; Deep Red flowers all summer long and is great in hot, humid areas of the country. Extremely tender perennial that originates from countries around the equator in South America. Only grown as an annual in the vast majority of North America.

Mandevilla (Mandevilla x 'Rio Deep Red') - Blooming

Blooms flowers with 5 broad petal lobes.

Mandevilla (Mandevilla x 'Rio Deep Red') - Growth

Grows best in full sun with some midday shade. Train Mandevilla over a pergola, trellis, or arch. Mandevilla is also useful as a screen. Where not growing hardy, raise plants in a warm or temperate greenhouse. A warm greenhouse has a minimum temperature of 55°F (13°C). During the day, temperatures should be set to 55-64°F (13-18°C) or above, and at night, the temperature should be at 55°F (13°C). Temperate greenhouses have daytime temperatures set between 50-55°F (10-13°C), and a nighttime temperature of 45°F (7°C).

Mandevilla (Mandevilla x 'Rio Deep Red') - Planting

Propagate from the seed in spring at 64-73°F (18-23°C). Root softwood cuttings in late spring using bottom heat. Softwood cuttings are cuttings taken from young, non-woody growth. Root semi-ripe cuttings in summer. Semi-ripe cuttings are cuttings taken from semi-mature wood.

Mandevilla (Mandevilla x 'Rio Deep Red') - Pest

Vulnerable to spider mites, mealybugs, root rot, whiteflies, gray mold, and leaf spots.

Mandevilla (Mandevilla x 'Rio Deep Red') - Interesting facts

Mandevilla is endemic to the tropical woodlands of Central and South America. The sap can aggravate the skin upon contact, and ingestion of any part of the plant may cause stomach discomfort.

Mandevilla (Mandevilla x 'Rio Deep Red') - Soil and irrigation

Does best in medium fertile soil that is moist, yet well-drained. Soil-based potting mixes work fine for indoor plants. Water moderately during the growing season, less in winter.

Mandevilla x 'Rio Deep Red' - Mandevilla - Photos