Persicaria affinis

Fleece Flower

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Common Name: 

Fleece Flower

Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

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Fleece Flower (Persicaria affinis) - Description

Persicaria affinis (fleece flower, knotweed) is a species of flowering plant in the family Polygonaceae, native to the Himalayas. Formerly known as Polygonum affine, other synonyms include Bistorta affinis and Polygonum brunonis.

Fleece Flower (Persicaria affinis) - Blooming

Small white or pink flowers.

Fleece Flower (Persicaria affinis) - Growth

Annuals, perennaisl, and some subshrubs. Very hearty plants that do well with full sun or partial shade. Can spread quickly and may become weedy. Exhibits nice fall color. The larger perennials work well in a border, or as a groundcover. Smaller species make nice additions to a rock garden.

Fleece Flower (Persicaria affinis) - Planting

Propagate from the seed. Sow in containers in cold frame in spring (for protection and to ensure hardiness). Conduct division in spring or fall.

Fleece Flower (Persicaria affinis) - Pest

Aphids, slugs, and snails.

Fleece Flower (Persicaria affinis) - Interesting facts

Persicaria is found across the globe. All plant parts may aggravate the skin upon contact. Consuming the sap will result in stomach discomfort.

Fleece Flower (Persicaria affinis) - Soil and irrigation

Generally needs regular water except for P. capitata, which needs no irrigation at all. Does best in any soil as long as it's kept moist.

Persicaria affinis - Fleece Flower - Photos