Stipa capillata

Feather Grass

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Common Name: 

Feather Grass

Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

Maximum temperature: 


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Feather Grass (Stipa capillata) - Description

Stipa capillata is a perennial bunchgrass species in the family Poaceae, native to Europe and Asia.

Feather Grass (Stipa capillata) - Blooming

Produces flattened spikelets with feathery awns between early summer and fall.

Feather Grass (Stipa capillata) - Growth

Evergreen or deciduous, perennial grasses that are tufted and bristly. Stipas do well in the sun and plant height varies depending on species. One species of Stipa will grow to 3 ft. tall. S. arundinacea tolerates partial shade. Stipa works well in a mixed or shrub border. The inflorescences are suitable for cutting, and are often dyed to use as part of a flower ensemble.

Feather Grass (Stipa capillata) - Planting

Sow seeds in spring, in containers in a cold frame (for protection and to ensure hardiness). Can also propagate by division in mid-spring to early summer.

Feather Grass (Stipa capillata) - Pest

Stipa is prone to brown stripe, eye spot, smut, brown patch, rust, and damping off.

Feather Grass (Stipa capillata) - Interesting facts

Stipa is found in temperate and warm-temperate areas across the globe. There are around 300 known species, spotted mainly in open woodlands and stony slopes.

Feather Grass (Stipa capillata) - Soil and irrigation

Irrigation needs vary depending on species. S. gigantea requires ample water until it is established. S. tenuissimus requires regular waterings. Does best in moderately fertile, medium-light soil with good drainage. S. arudinacea withstands heavy soils.

Stipa capillata - Feather Grass - Photos