Anisodontea x hypomadarum

Cape Mallow

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Common Name: 

Cape Mallow

Plant Type: 

Flower color: 

Foliage color: 


Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

Maximum temperature: 


Minimum temperature: 


Maximum height: 

185 cm

Maximum width: 

110 cm

Cape Mallow (Anisodontea x hypomadarum) - Description

The Anisodontea x hypomadarum is of garden origin and is a hybrid of A. capensis and A. scabrosa. It is a heavy producer of purple veined pink flowers that appear from spring to fall. Can easily be trained to grow as a standard shrub (a shrub where the foliage is trained to form a ball of leaves atop a bare trunk).

Cape Mallow (Anisodontea x hypomadarum) - Blooming

Blooms 5-petaled flowers from spring to fall.

Cape Mallow (Anisodontea x hypomadarum) - Growth

Perennials and shrubs that thrive in cool-temperate climates. Provide full sun, or full light, for the best growth. Where Anisodontea is not hardy, raise plants indoors in a cool greenhouse and move outdoors in summer. They work particularly well as summer bedding. In frost-free regions, grow Anisodontea in a border. Anisodontea species are suitable for training into standards.

Cape Mallow (Anisodontea x hypomadarum) - Planting

Propagate from the seed in spring at 55-64°F (13-18°C). Root semi-ripe cuttings in summer with bottom heat.

Cape Mallow (Anisodontea x hypomadarum) - Pest

Affected by aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites.

Cape Mallow (Anisodontea x hypomadarum) - Interesting facts

There are around 19 known species in the genus Anisodontea, native to diverse habitats in South Africa.

Cape Mallow (Anisodontea x hypomadarum) - Soil and irrigation

Does best in moderately fertile, well-draining soil. Soil-based potting mixes work fine for indoor plants. Pot on or top dress plants in late winter. Water freely during the growing season, less in winter.

Anisodontea x hypomadarum - Cape Mallow - Photos