Aster x 'Giants of California Mix'


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Common Name: 


Plant Type: 

Flower color: 

Foliage color: 


Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

Maximum temperature: 


Minimum temperature: 


Maximum height: 

90 cm

Aster (Aster x 'Giants of California Mix') - Description

HEIRLOOM. Not really an aster, but hugely popular as cut flowers 100 years ago and rarely grown today. This China native has terrific aster-like colors and late season bloom plus spectacular flower forms. It's an excellent cut flower because blossoms last a long time. Burpee's varieties are American developments from the early 20th century. Plant asters in a cutting garden or in clumps between early and midseason perennials to provide color later in the season. Sow 100 to 120 days before fall frosts. Seed germinates in 10 days at 70 degrees. 2-3' plants topped with 4-1/2" single flowers. White, rose, pale blue, purple.

Aster (Aster x 'Giants of California Mix') - Blooming

Blooms can be white, blue, red, pink, lavender. Most flowers will have yellow centers and resemble a typical Daisy.

Aster (Aster x 'Giants of California Mix') - Growth

There are about 250 species of Asters, but generally they need full sun, or partial shade. Plants range in size from 6 inches to 6 ft. in height.

Aster (Aster x 'Giants of California Mix') - Planting

Sow seeds in spring or autumn, in a cold frame using containers. Divide in spring (preferably) or in autumn making sure to replant only vigorous, young shoots. Also, root basal cuttings of certain species in spring.

Aster (Aster x 'Giants of California Mix') - Pest

Susceptible to wilt, gray mold, rusts, powdery mildew, white smut, rosy blister gall, and aster yellows. Fungal leaf spots and stem cankers are common. Aphids, tarsonemid mites, slugs, snails, and nematodes can cause problems.

Aster (Aster x 'Giants of California Mix') - Soil and irrigation

Needs regular water. Soil fertility depends upon species.

Aster x 'Giants of California Mix' - Aster - Photos