Dianthus chinensis 'Ideal Select Salmon'


Photo of Dianthus chinensis 'Ideal Select Salmon' - Carnation

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Common Name: 


Flower color: 

Foliage color: 


Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

Maximum temperature: 


Minimum temperature: 


Maximum height: 

25 cm

Maximum width: 

25 cm

Carnation (Dianthus chinensis 'Ideal Select Salmon') - Description

Unique lacy edged flowers are a vibrant salmon pink in color. Even late in the season these will still have great seasonal interest with a little deadheading, and with their natural frost tolerance. So for great border color that will last from spring to late fall (with a small break at the peak of summer heat) use this Dianthus for a low maintenance option that delivers color big time!

Carnation (Dianthus chinensis 'Ideal Select Salmon') - Blooming

Most Pinks bloom in spring and early summer. Blooms are 1" to 2" in diameter. Removal of the spent flowers will promote new floral blooms.

Carnation (Dianthus chinensis 'Ideal Select Salmon') - Growth

Pinks are easy to grow. They prefer full sun in a cool climate. Most varieties will grow 18" to 24", and if started early will bloom in the first year.

Carnation (Dianthus chinensis 'Ideal Select Salmon') - Planting

Annual Pinks can be sown in flats or directly into the garden via seed. Perennial Pinks can be propagated by making cuttings from the tips of growing shoots and by dividing. Space 10 to 12" apart.

Carnation (Dianthus chinensis 'Ideal Select Salmon') - Pest

Insects and disease are seldom a problem, though some species in this genus are susceptible to rust and Fusarium wilt. Mildew can occur in warm, humid climates.

Carnation (Dianthus chinensis 'Ideal Select Salmon') - Interesting facts

Native mainly to Europe and Asia. The common name Pink likely derives from the color of the bloom. However, there are those that believe that it comes from the earlier use of the word which was to cut in a ruffled pattern with pinking shears as the edges of Pinks are in a zigzag pattern.

Carnation (Dianthus chinensis 'Ideal Select Salmon') - Soil and irrigation

Dianthus requires light and fast draining soils. The addition of lime can remedy overly acidic soils. Pinks are sensitive to over watering. In dry periods water once or twice a week.

Dianthus chinensis 'Ideal Select Salmon' - Carnation - Photos