Eschscholzia californica 'Sunset Mixed Colors'

California Poppy

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Common Name: 

California Poppy

Plant Type: 

Flower color: 

Foliage color: 


Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

Maximum temperature: 


Minimum temperature: 


Maximum height: 

35 cm

Maximum width: 

30 cm

California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica 'Sunset Mixed Colors') - Description

The California poppy is not a Papaver, but has a similar look and feeling. Bright mix of red, cream, orange, gold and pink. Silky cups, 2-3" wide, flutter on finely-cut silvery green foliage. Blooms spring into summer, especially in cool weather. Sow seeds where plants are to grow. Great fillers in beds and containers.

California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica 'Sunset Mixed Colors') - Growth

California Poppy plants do well full sun and the stems will grow to be approximately 8-24 in. long.

California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica 'Sunset Mixed Colors') - Planting

Sow seeds in midspring or early fall.

California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica 'Sunset Mixed Colors') - Pest

Prone to foliar fungal problems.

California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica 'Sunset Mixed Colors') - Interesting facts

California poppies are the state flower of California, but that does not mean that they are endemic to only that state. They are also naturally found in Oregon.Another climate that is similar to California's is that of the country of Chile. California poppies are not native to Chile, but in late spring and summer in this South American country these plants bloom in large numbers. They grow rather well in disturbed soils, which is why a train traveler in Santiago, Chile would be travelling over an orange ribbon of poppies growing in between the train tracks. Although they are rather beautiful, they are considered a noxious weed in Chile as they are not native and outcompeting native plants.

California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica 'Sunset Mixed Colors') - Soil and irrigation

Summer irrigation will extend bloom.

Eschscholzia californica 'Sunset Mixed Colors' - California Poppy - Photos