Eustoma x 'Rose Bouquet'


Photo of Eustoma x 'Rose Bouquet' - Lisianthus

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Common Name: 


Flower color: 

Foliage color: 


Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

Maximum temperature: 


Minimum temperature: 


Maximum height: 

100 cm

Maximum width: 

30 cm

Lisianthus (Eustoma x 'Rose Bouquet') - Description

The most sophisticated double-flowered Lisianthus mix we've ever introduced. 'Rose Bouquet' gives you extra strong stems, each loaded with elegant sprays of large, 4" wide, rose-like flowers in deep blue-purple, butter yellow and soft green. A captivating choice for long lasting cut flowers right out of your garden. Ht: 30-40". Annual.

Lisianthus (Eustoma x 'Rose Bouquet') - Blooming

A long, warm growing season is needed for the best blooming. Stake the heavy flower stems for the best display. It will take about 5 months from planting until first bloom.

Lisianthus (Eustoma x 'Rose Bouquet') - Growth

Annuals, biennials, and short-lived perennials. Eustoma does best in full sun in beds and borders. Dwarf specimens do well in containers indoors or out.

Lisianthus (Eustoma x 'Rose Bouquet') - Planting

Sow the dust-sized seeds indoors in individual pots 10-12 weeks before last frost of spring. Press seeds into soil surface. Seeds germinate at 65-70°F (18-21°C) in 2-3 weeks. Keep soil dryish to prevent root rot. Zone 8 or south seeds can be grown as biennials, sowing seeds in midsummer. You can also propagate with cuttings, but growing from seeds will result in a better plant.

Lisianthus (Eustoma x 'Rose Bouquet') - Pest

Common problems include virus diseases, stem cankers, wilt, and gray mold.

Lisianthus (Eustoma x 'Rose Bouquet') - Interesting facts

Native Americans used the bitter tasting flower of Eustoma, also known as Lisianthus, as medicine.

Lisianthus (Eustoma x 'Rose Bouquet') - Soil and irrigation

Grow in average to fertile, well-drained, moist soil. Neutral to alkaline works best. Water freely during the growing season; reduce in winter.

Eustoma x 'Rose Bouquet' - Lisianthus - Photos