Koeleria glauca

Sprite Koeleria

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Common Name: 

Sprite Koeleria

Plant Type: 

Flower color: 

Foliage color: 


Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

Maximum temperature: 


Minimum temperature: 


Maximum height: 

20 cm

Maximum width: 

30 cm

Sprite Koeleria (Koeleria glauca) - Description

Plants produce a small, blue-green ball of foliage topped with wheatlike plumes in mid-summer.

Sprite Koeleria (Koeleria glauca) - Blooming

Bears silvery-green spikelets in summer.

Sprite Koeleria (Koeleria glauca) - Growth

Annual and perennial grass. Grows best in full sun or light shade. Koeleria works well in a rock garden or coupling a border.

Sprite Koeleria (Koeleria glauca) - Planting

Seeds should be sown in the ground in either spring or fall. Can also propagate by division between spring and summer.

Sprite Koeleria (Koeleria glauca) - Pest

Ergot, rust, leaf spots, and smut.

Sprite Koeleria (Koeleria glauca) - Interesting facts

Koeleria was named after Georg Ludwig Koeler, a German botanist. Species are mostly found in sandy grasslands in the tropical regions of Africa, and throughout the temperate zones (North and South).

Sprite Koeleria (Koeleria glauca) - Soil and irrigation

Does best in soils that are not too fertile. Provide well-draining soils that are shallow and alkaline.

Koeleria glauca - Sprite Koeleria - Photos