Osmanthus delavayi


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Osmanthus (Osmanthus delavayi) - Description

Osmanthus delavayi is an evergreen shrub of the genus Osmanthus. Over several weeks in late winter to spring it bears fragrant flowers that are more prominent but less fragrant than Osmanthus fragrans, but substitutes for O. fragrans in less balmy gardens. It was discovered by the Jesuit missionary-botanist Fr Pierre Jean Marie Delavay in the mountains near Lan-kong in Yunnan province, China, in 1890.

Osmanthus (Osmanthus delavayi) - Blooming

Miniscule flowers that are intensely fragrant, blooming in fall or spring, depending on species. Blooms are followed by blue-black fruits.

Osmanthus (Osmanthus delavayi) - Growth

Evergreen shrubs and trees. Dense glossy foliage. Grows best in sun or partial shade with protection from the winter sun and wind.

Osmanthus (Osmanthus delavayi) - Planting

Semi-ripe cuttings in late spring or early summer. Sow from seed when ripe, in containers in a cold frame (for protection).

Osmanthus (Osmanthus delavayi) - Pest

Scale insects. Osmanthus is also prone to olive knot, black mildew, anthracnose, wilt, and root rot.

Osmanthus (Osmanthus delavayi) - Interesting facts

This genus is classified in the same family as olives. Some species may have leaves that look similar to Holly, but the development of the flowers and fruit are rather typical of the Oleaceae family.

Osmanthus (Osmanthus delavayi) - Soil and irrigation

Acidic, fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Tolerates some clay or alkalinity.

Osmanthus delavayi - Osmanthus - Photos