Protea magnifica

Queen Protea

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Common Name: 

Queen Protea

Plant Type: 

Flower color: 

Foliage color: 


Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

Maximum temperature: 


Minimum temperature: 


Maximum height: 

245 cm

Maximum width: 

245 cm

Queen Protea (Protea magnifica) - Description

Queen Protea can be grown in a greenhouse where it is not hardy. Flowers can last a long time when cut and used in arrangements.

Queen Protea (Protea magnifica) - Blooming

Blooms clusters of small flowers that look like one single, large flower.

Queen Protea (Protea magnifica) - Growth

Grows best in full sun, or full light. Where Protea is not growing hardy, raise plants in a cool, well-ventilated greenhouse. In warmer regions, grow Protea in a mixed or shrub border. Larger species work great as specimen plants.

Queen Protea (Protea magnifica) - Planting

When ripe, or in spring, sow seeds at 55-64ºF (13-18ºC). Can also propagate from semi-ripe cuttings in summer.

Queen Protea (Protea magnifica) - Pest

Susceptible to magnesium deficiency, blight, and dieback. Dieback is usually an indication that the growing medium is too rich.

Queen Protea (Protea magnifica) - Interesting facts

There are around 115 known species in the genus Protea, native to rocky hillsides and dry scrub from tropical Africa to South Africa.

Queen Protea (Protea magnifica) - Soil and irrigation

Grows best in poor, well-draining soil, neutral to acidic. A mix of 1 part loam with added charcoal and 3 parts equal grit (or perlite) and peat, work fine for indoor plants. Water moderately in spring and summer, sparingly in winter.

Protea magnifica - Queen Protea - Photos