Verbena x 'Lanai® Lavender Star'


Photo of Verbena x 'Lanai® Lavender Star' - Verbena

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Common Name: 


Plant Type: 

Flower color: 

Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

Maximum temperature: 


Minimum temperature: 


Maximum height: 

30 cm

Maximum width: 

60 cm

Verbena (Verbena x 'Lanai® Lavender Star') - Description

Verbena Lanaireg; Lavender Star has lavender flowers with white stripes that give it a striking look. Lavender Star has been noted as one ofthe best performing trailing Verbenas on the market.

Verbena (Verbena x 'Lanai® Lavender Star') - Blooming

Flowers come in many different colors. Blooms in clusters of small, tubular 5-petaled flowers at the tops of floral stems.

Verbena (Verbena x 'Lanai® Lavender Star') - Growth

All species of Verbena need full sun for their best performance. Does best in hot weather.

Verbena (Verbena x 'Lanai® Lavender Star') - Planting

Plant in locations that will provide good air circulation. Works well in parking strips along driveways and hanging baskets.

Verbena (Verbena x 'Lanai® Lavender Star') - Pest

Mildew can be a problem which is why it is best to have good air circulation around the plants.

Verbena (Verbena x 'Lanai® Lavender Star') - Interesting facts

Verbena has been said throughout history to posses divine qualities. Historically it was called "the tears of Isis". Today the oil is sometimes sold as Spanish Verbena oil and is used in perfumes.

Verbena (Verbena x 'Lanai® Lavender Star') - Soil and irrigation

Most varieties need little to moderate water, but there are some that need regular water (V. 'Homestead Purple', V. Tamari hybrids).

Verbena x 'Lanai® Lavender Star' - Verbena - Photos