Zephyranthes candida

Fairy Lily

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Common Name: 

Fairy Lily

Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

Maximum temperature: 


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Fairy Lily (Zephyranthes candida) - Description

Zephyranthes candida, commonly known as the white rain lily, is a species of rain lily native to the Rio de la Plata region of South America including Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Chile. Leaves are a deep glossy green and measure 3 mm wide. Flowers are erect in perianth white or sometimes pinkish abaxially.

Fairy Lily (Zephyranthes candida) - Blooming

Blooms funnel-shaped flowers from spring to fall.

Fairy Lily (Zephyranthes candida) - Growth

Does best with full sun, or full light. Where Rain Lilies are not growing hardy, raise plants in a cool greenhouse, alpine house, or in containers. Cool greenhouses have a minimum temperature of 35°F (2°C). During the day, set temperatures between 41-50°F (5-10°C), and at night, keep the temperature at 36°F (2°C). Other places, Zephyranthes is suitable for a rock garden or the front of a sunny border.

Fairy Lily (Zephyranthes candida) - Planting

Sow ripe seeds at 55-64°F (13-18°C). Conduct separation of offsets in spring.

Fairy Lily (Zephyranthes candida) - Pest


Fairy Lily (Zephyranthes candida) - Interesting facts

There are 70 known species in the genus Zephyranthes, native to grasslands in North and South America. The genus is closely related to Habranthus.

Fairy Lily (Zephyranthes candida) - Soil and irrigation

Grows well in moist yet well-draining soil. Soil-based potting mixes with added sharp sand work fine for indoor plants. Water liberally during the growing season, keep plants just moist in winter. Protect from excess winter moisture.

Zephyranthes candida - Fairy Lily - Photos