Pleioblastus minima


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Common Name: 


Plant Type: 

Foliage color: 


Sun (From 0 to 5): 

Water (From 0 to 5): 

Maximum temperature: 


Minimum temperature: 


Maximum height: 

120 cm

Pleioblastus (Pleioblastus minima) - Description

Upright, evergreen woody bamboos from China and Japan cultivated for their foliage.

Pleioblastus (Pleioblastus minima) - Blooming

Blooms are rare.

Pleioblastus (Pleioblastus minima) - Growth

Bamboo does well in full sun, or partial shade if not variegated. Have fast-growing rhizomes, and produce thickets of round, up-right, woody culms. Grow in an open site in a woodland garden or as a pseudo-hedge.

Pleioblastus (Pleioblastus minima) - Planting

Separate rhizomes in the spring. Keep divisions moist and shaded until established.

Pleioblastus (Pleioblastus minima) - Pest


Pleioblastus (Pleioblastus minima) - Soil and irrigation

Bamboo should be planted in a rich mix and a sufficient amount of organic material should be added. Plant requires regular water during growth.

Pleioblastus minima - Pleioblastus - Photos