We all have this room at home that serves as our storage room. We put all sorts of junk and objects that we don’t use on a daily basis in there, because we think we might still need them “just in case”! But by dint of piling up a lot of objects, we quickly find ourselves with tons of stuff that, in the end, will never be used. If you want to furnish this room that you find ultimately useless or to give a second breath to this place of your house but you lack ideas, and if you dream of saying to all this clutter “good riddance!”, follow our advice by reading carefully this article.
Tidy up your storage room
You are tired of not being able to distinguish your old vinyl records from your tools, don’t wait any longer and tidy up your storage room. How do you do it? By following our advice of course:
- Empty the room: take out all the stuff you have in this storage room, and start by sorting it into categories (DIY, old books, clothes…), this will help you to store them better afterwards and to plan spaces to put them.
- Optimize space: since the categories are already made, you can buy or reuse crates, small storage units or boxes by writing the name of the items on them so that it will be easier for you to find those famous items that you will use just in case!
- Get rid of certain objects: you have found certain things in your storage room that you absolutely do not use anymore, such as clothes that do not fit you anymore or knick-knacks that you will never take out of the room again. Well, opt for selling or donating. You will definitely make people happy!
How to fit out your storage room?
You think it’s a shame to have a whole room full of unused objects and you think it’s a waste of space, so why not make this place useful? If you don’t have any ideas, here are our suggestions:
- A room for your hobbies: whether you are an adept at sewing, painting, music, crafts or any other activity, you can arrange your storage room by making it the most inspiring room for you where you can create anything you want.
- A walk-in closet: you lack storage space and you sold all your old stuff, so why not use that money to buy a walk-in closet and store all your new stuff!
- A laundry room: if you haven’t found a place to put your laundry, washing machine and detergent, use your old storage room.
Choose some furniture to optimize storage
Even if this room is dedicated to storage, you still have to tidy it up to make the circulation a little more pleasant. It is also interesting because it allows you to buy Atmosphera decoration products for your living room, your kitchen or the bedroom. You replace the furniture and instead of throwing it away or selling it, you use it for the storage room. This platform is ideal since it offers you nearly 2000 references in various categories such as household linen, furniture, classic decoration, children’s universe…
- For storage, you will need furniture that can be fixed high up in order to save space and to avoid cluttering the floor.
- Shelves are practical because they allow you to find objects easily.
- Jars are perfect for small items.
The choice of furniture also depends on the function given to this room, because certainly, it is a storage room, but it can also have an area for laundry, sewing, workshop … So you should opt for tables and even comfortable chairs if you are a knitting enthusiast.